When used properly, CBD oil can have incredible effects on the human body. But since it’s a relatively new product on the market, there is a lot of confusion surrounding how to use CBD products. In this guide, we’ll explain how to use CBD oil, CBD capsules, and CBD topicals.

Note: CBD is not FDA approved to treat any medical condition. The information below is intended solely as a reference – it should not be treated as medical advice. Speak with a medical professional if you have questions.

How to Use CBD Oil Capsules

CBD capsules are very popular due to their convenient and approachable nature. Capsules are typically packaged in 10mg to 15mg doses. Our line of CBD capsules contain 25mg of pure CBD. Our capsules use MCT as a carrier oil to enhance bioavailability and absorption.

CBD capsules are certainly the easiest form of CBD to take. All you need to do is take the recommended dosage by swallowing one softgel. You can take CBD capsules with or without food.

The advantages of capsules are twofold: convenience, and accurate dosing. With capsules, you always know the exact dose you are getting. With tinctures, topicals and other forms, it’s harder to get an exact dose. With that said, both tinctures and topicals offer their own benefits as well, with each being uniquely suited for particular applications.

Try our Pure CBD Softgels here.


How to Use CBD Oil Tinctures

Our tinctures come bound to a carrier oil (MCT), and are packaged in a glass bottle with a convenient dropper top.

There are a few different ways to take CBD tincture. The method that’s generally considered the most effective is called sublingual application, a relatively common administration technique for some types of medicine and alternative remedies.

To take CBD sublingually, just take the recommended dose (15-30 drops) of CBD oil and place it under your tongue. Hold it there for 30-60 seconds or so. This allows much of the CBD to enter your bloodstream through the gums and cheeks, which happens quite quickly. Next, swallow the tincture, to allow the remaining active cannabinoids to be digested and processed as normal.

You can also swallow the tincture directly – or even experiment with mixing it into food and drink. Sublingual application appears to offer higher bioavailability, but for people who use CBD daily, the method of consumption does not appear to make a huge difference in the effects observed.

Try our Mint or Pure Drops here. We have Pet Drops too!

How to Use CBD Topicals

Another popular category of cannabidiol products are CBD oil topicals. These are lotions, creams and salves that contain CBD. Applying CBD products to the skin allows the user to target specific areas of the body for relief.

Topicals are generally intended for pain applications. If you’re wondering how to use CBD oil for pain, a topical application may be the best approach.

To use CBD topicals, simply apply liberally to the affected area and massage it in. You can re-apply every few hours, as needed. Most people report that CBD topicals are quite effective, but the effects tend to not last as long as other consumption methods.

Note: Because CBD topicals contain a variety of ingredients, it’s best to spot-test a small area of skin. This allows you to test your skin’s reaction, and rule out the possibility of allergic reactions, before you apply it to a larger area.

Try our Muscle and Tension Stick here.

CBD Oil Dosage Recommendations

Note: there is no “official” recommendation for CBD dosage. The figures below should be considered as broad suggestions, not definitive guidelines.

Determining the right CBD oil dosage is not as straightforward as it might seem. The right dosage depends on a variety of factors, from your physical size to the effects you are hoping to find with CBD. We can’t give you exact figures, but we can help steer you in the right direction.

25mg is a widely accepted “standard dose” by many CBD manufacturers.

10mg is considered a good place to start, for people who are new to CBD.

Experienced CBD users may wish to experiment with higher doses. There is no known possibility of overdosing from CBD, and side effects are quite rare, even with high doses. Several high dose studies have used CBD in ranges of up to 150-600mg per day (source), while a review of the safety and side effects of CBD found that a CBD dosage of up to 1,500mg per day had been observed, without significant adverse side effects (source).

So, in short – there’s no easy answer. Finding the right CBD dosage for you will most likely come down to experimentation. The good news is that CBD is unlikely to cause side effects, and it’s not possible to “overdose”.

For best results, we recommend considering the following:

  • Start slow, and gradually increase your dose as needed
  • Start with very low doses (around 10-25mg) to see how it affects you
  • Consult your doctor if you have questions or concerns
  • Try different forms of CBD products to see what works best for you
  • Don’t operate heavy machinery while using CBD, until you know how it affects you

When To Take CBD Oil & Dosage Timing Guidelines

You should now have an idea of how to use CBD oil – but what about when to use it?

Unfortunately, this is another question that does not have a direct answer. The best time to take CBD oil really depends on what condition you are trying to address, how your body reacts to CBD, and other factors.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

    • For most people, CBD effects last for around 3-6 hours
    • Different forms of CBD last longer than others (this varies by person)
    • Many people choose to take CBD oil 2-4+ times per day
    • CBD can cause drowsiness in some people. If you’re new to CBD, it’s best to start with a nighttime dose only, until you know how the cannabinoid will affect you.

Final Thoughts

Until more research emerges, it’s difficult to recommend a specific CBD dosage, or a specific time of day to take CBD.

Thus, most people will need to do some experimenting to find what works best for them. As stated, we recommend starting with a very low dose and gradually working your way up. If you’re not getting the effects you want, try gradually increasing the dose, or trying a different form of CBD oil.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.